
Free Auditory Resources

If you have not tried it, please look at Lit2Go It is a free auditory resource for literature. It makes an excellent addition to your classroom literacy resources.

Right about now you might be wondering why listening to literature is an added benefit to your already jam-packed course content. First, it is a time-saving strategy for your teaching in the read/ write/listen/speak/view/represent ELA curricula that you teach. Second, students often have mobile devices so by using auditory resources they can listen to texts anytime/anyplace. Third, you could set up a station in your classroom where students can choose the literature to which they want to listen. Choice of literature encourages motivation to read. Fourth, permit students to write or draw as they listen to sustain concentration or focus thinking. Comprehension is increased by activating mirror neurons. These added-benefit strategies help students to think in transliterate ways and thus accomplish more within their class time. - K. Smith

Another amazing resource is the 38 free auditory lectures of famous authors available on iTunes at  (Warning: some explicit description). The authors each tell stories about their experiences of learning to be a writer. Aspiring writers in your class, and maybe even you, will enjoy hearing the stories of how these writers developed their writing talents.